Deadliest Beasts Wiki

The Walrus, Tusked pinniped from the arctic vs The Polar bear, the largest of all living carnivores

Who is.... Deadliest?!


A walrus is relaxing by the water's edge. Suddenly, a hungry polar bear comes by to attack the walrus. Startled and nervous, the walrus heads straight for the sea. The bear attempts to bite and scratch the walrus, but the pinniped's thick skin is too much, even for a large bear like itself. Although it briefly manages to latch on with its sharp teeth, the bear cannot do much serious damage. The walrus then tries to stab the bear with its four-foot tusks, but the agile predator anticipates this. The bear then tries several paw swipes to the head, but the walrus's skull is too thick to land a killing blow. As the walrus flees, the bear holds on and gets dragged into the ocean, afterwards, the walrus turns around, goring the bear with its tusks. The bear, wounded and running out of air, heads straight back to the surface. But the walrus returns with a vengeance – it soon sinks its tusks onto the carnivore's back, killing it. The dead bear sinks into the ocean.

Winner: Walrus
