Deadliest Beasts Wiki

Thunderbird vs Dragon

(Heh, added a banner :-) )

The Thunderbird, the giant raptor of destruction that tormented the ancient indians


A Dragon, the gargantuan titan of destruction and hoarder of treasure



In native american mythology, the thunderbird is said to be a massive bird that hovers over the area when ever a storm hits.


Massive Size: The Thunderbird is said to fly within the storm clouds, it is incredabley large, being 20 feet tall and having about a 65 foot wingspan.

Wings: The Thunderbird's wings are powerful enough it's said one flap causes thunder and can cause massive windstorms

Talons and Beak: The Thunderbird has razor sharp talons, on their massive feet, and could easily cut a man in half. It's massive beak could easily disembowel a man as well as crush bones.

Lightning: The Thunderbirds main weapon is it's ability to shoot lightning out of it's eyes everytime it blinks.


The Thunderbird's advantage is that it is somewhat larger then the dragon and is faster when flying.


In most folklore and mythology, the Dragon is usually and evil, lizard like creature known to hoard treasure and eat cattle and sacrificial virgins.


Massive Size: Most dragons are known to be gargantuan in size, Being 15 feet tall, 40 feet long, and having a 60 foot wingspan.

Claws and Teeth: Almost all dragons have razor sharp claws, allowing them to easily kill a man with one swipe. They also have razor sharp teeth known to be able to pierce the metal armor of knight armor, and crush bone with ease.

Tail: The dragon's serpentine tail isn't exactly used to often for killing but it can be used for up close defence.

Horns: A dragon can easily us their sharp horns to gore their enemies.

Firebreath: The most iconic feature of the dragon is their ability to breath fire at will.


The Dragon's advantage is that it has more weapons at it's disposle and is much more aggressive.


